What I Teach

We are a TJEd (Thomas Jefferson Education) family! I follow the Kindred Learning Four Year Plan and love every minute of it! I am trying to keep my young childrens life as carefree right now as possible, we just want to have some fun being 'normal kids'! I am creating an Eternal Family who loves to learn and grow and just be together. It's all about LOVE.

Monday, November 8, 2010

HIP Market

Last Friday was the H.I.P. Market! We had a such a great time. This is a market only run by children. It was so cute to see all their creative ideas and yummy treats. It was clear that the children spent a lot of time and effort into their businesses. We didn't have a business this year but the kids said they definitely want to do one next year. I alloted each of them $3.50 to spend at the market an what ever they wanted. Audree got her hair done, nails painted, a cookie, lemonade and a cupcake. Ethan bought a handmade crossbow, a balloon animal, lemonade and a turn to launch a bottle rocket. They had so much fun! and we won in the raffle! We won patriotic sheet music with a CD written by a fellow homeschooler in the area. I'm loving it so far and can't wait for the kids to learn the preamble and a bunch of wonderful new LDS songs! I love the community we have out here. Everyone is so inviting and inspiring!

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