What I Teach

We are a TJEd (Thomas Jefferson Education) family! I follow the Kindred Learning Four Year Plan and love every minute of it! I am trying to keep my young childrens life as carefree right now as possible, we just want to have some fun being 'normal kids'! I am creating an Eternal Family who loves to learn and grow and just be together. It's all about LOVE.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Schedule!

I am so excited! Our Four Year Plan arrived yesterday and I have been writing down a new schedule from it. The Eberts lay out the year so perfectly that I can divide units into months and take the index of a reference book and divide it into weeks and then days for everyday learning in each subject. But I am not sure if that will work best. I don't know if I want to devote one single day to one subject or do a little from each subject in one day or maybe combine those ideas and only do two subjects in one day. There is so much freedom! I love it. This whole process is bringing me to a better relationship with my Father in Heaven because I NEED Him to help me know if what I am doing everyday is what I should be doing. The kids will get to see me make mistakes and fix them too. They will see me just drop to me knees, if that's what I need. They will see me get a little frustrated and then work it out. That is real life. I hope I don't get too eager to make mistakes, just so they can see that it's ok and it can be fixed. Life will be our school.

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