What I Teach

We are a TJEd (Thomas Jefferson Education) family! I follow the Kindred Learning Four Year Plan and love every minute of it! I am trying to keep my young childrens life as carefree right now as possible, we just want to have some fun being 'normal kids'! I am creating an Eternal Family who loves to learn and grow and just be together. It's all about LOVE.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Homemade Playdough

I used to think that playdough was evil. I thought that whoever invented it was just sitting in some huge comfy chair and laughing at all the parents scrubbing their carpets and children's hair to get it all out. But I realized that my kids were just too young. Now we love playdough! and I like to make it and toss it in the same day. It also gets their little fingers strong for writing! Here's the recipe:

1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup water
1 cup flour
food dye (any color, be creative!)
newspaper to cover the surface you're working on

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